Friday, March 25, 2016

Week 9

This week was great for getting hours!

On Thursday, I spent about two and a half hours working at the book fair again. Our BGCA librarian works at both of our campuses, so the second campus had their book fair this week. I was able to interact with families and children helping them to find books and choose items that were age appropriate.

On Friday, I was able to spend some time at the Bowling Green High School working in their library. Today I helped with circulation by checking in books from the book drop. After I checked them in, I re-shelved several items. I also learned how to put the clear film on a book jacket to help it last longer. The rest of the time was spent being available to help students as they had needs while discussing the PGES system and the evidences Mrs. Butler has to provide for her evaluations.

Here is a view from the circulation desk toward the front doors of the library:

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Week 8

This week most of my hours were spent working for our book fair. Each elementary classroom at our school created projects to display during the time that the families would be in the building. I helped the second graders get theirs together and displayed neatly. They all read a Boxcar Children book and created a diorama of the setting. They worked hard and the projects turned out great!

I also had the opportunity to spend a considerable amount of time helping with the book fair. The theme for the spring was based on styles from the sixties and seventies. The kids had a lot of fun dressing up in tie dye and fringe this week. Helping in the book fair was fun. I assisted with talking to parents and students to help them find the book or book genre they were looking for. It was so fun to see the students find books that excited them.

The last thing I began this week was a journey toward becoming a Google Educator. My supervisor and I talked about this and she thought it would be a great way to learn more about technology through professional development. I am looking forward to learning and helping my students further their twenty-first century skills.

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Week 7

This has been another slow week as far as hours are concerned. There is so much going on at school in the Spring that it is difficult to balance teaching full time, getting hours, working on class work, and having a family. Thankful to be about half way through!

Our school is about to change our software system from RenWeb to Sycamore. So, this week I communicated with our sales representative there to understand more about what their library system will be like and how we are going to be able to make the switch as seamless as possible.

This week I also worked more on cataloging books. It was discovered that there were several more boxes of books in an old storage room that had been donated but never gone through. It is interesting weeding through donated books. There were several volumes from the 1990s about parenting strategies. While some information in these books might be valuable, it does not fit the audience our library is intended for. Much of the same information may also be found online. Our library is so small that it is important for us to make good choices about what items we include.

Next week is our book fair, it will be fun for the students and hopefully make great strides for money for classrooms as well.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Week 6

This week I have had the opportunity to work on a website to help promote our book fair and create a teacher and student survey about library and technology use and needs.

Our book fair will be in two weeks. Our librarian asked me to help her by creating the website. It was not a difficult task since we are using Scholastic for the book fair. It is amazing the tools they provide in order to have a successful week. The website offers a place for people to go to learn more about the book fair such as: special events, dress-up days, volunteer opportunities, and even online ordering. I hope it will encourage more people to come! See it here.

I also had the opportunity to create a survey about library usage and technology for the faculty and upper level students. It was interesting to look online for surveys which have already been created to get ideas for the one I would use. The teacher survey ended up about three pages long. Due to some other surveys the students need to take at our school, the questions I created will be added to the larger one so they only need to complete one large survey rather than several.